Growth Marketing
How to build a successful Landing Page
Landing pages are crucial for your digital marketing strategy. They help you to provide specific information about your product to specific user segments. If well built, they improve the quality of your marketing campaigns.
The better a Landing page is, the more your visitors will convert.
When you realised a marketing campaign the Landing Page is the specific webpage where you will send your traffic after visitors clicked on your ads or emails’ CTA. It’s where your visitors will find more information about your products or services.
Your Landing Pages have 2 main goals:
➡️ Deliver information to the visitors
➡️ Convert your visitors to customers
There are a few important rules to follow if you want to build an efficient Landing Page. Following these rules will help you to build efficient Landing Pages and convert more customers.
The buyer's journey
In a few words, the buyer journey is all the actions and paths a visitor or lead will make before conversion. Understanding your buyer’s journey will help you to implement the right Marketing and Sales actions to convert the visitor into a customer.
The Buyer’s journey is divided into 3 categories:
The awareness stage: During this stage, the buyer understands he has a problem but cannot fully identify it. He is looking for more information about it to then define actions.
The consideration stage: The buyer move to the consideration stage, when he understands the problem. His understanding of the problem leads him to look for the right solutions. He is not ready to buy. He wants to be more educated on the different solutions.
The decision stage: The buyer now knows the solutions and is ready to buy. In this phase, the buyer will compare the solution to purchase the one that will solve his problem.
Understanding your buyer journey will help you to create an adapted messaging in the right format that you will be able to display to potential customers at the right moment.
You have to keep in mind the landing page is the next step after the visitor click on CTA. This CTA could be in an ad, in an email, or on social media. The Landing page is the continuity of the initial message. It needs to answer the visitor’s questions. But most importantly, this Landing page is there to convert your visitors.
Your CTA or form has to be visible at first sight without needing to scroll. You have a little time to catch visitors’ attention.
Here some landing page’s design best practices:
➡️ Delete the top menu. No need to distract your visitors. Making the menu available will lead your visitors to leave your landing page without conversion. Only the information presented in the ad has to be available on the Landing Page. You can place the menu on the Thank You page.
➡️ Simple and snap text that provides the your visitor is looking for. As we explained earlier, the landing page is the continuity of a previous message.You can use bullet points to highlight important information or key selling points.
➡️ Your CTA or form has to be visible at first sight (no scrolling). It has to be simple for users to convert. When you build a Landing page, you need to keep the conversion process short. In best case, the final conversion can be make directly on the Landing page.
➡️ Add incentive near your CTA or form to increase brand trust and facilitate conversion. Imcentives can be customer reviews, and press publications or promotion.
Metrics to keep an eye on
Keepig an eye on key metrics will help you to define your Landing Page success. You will be able to improve it and increase your conversion rate.
There are many metrics you can use to measure the success of your Landing Page. However, some of them are more important and other more specifics to your business
Visits: How many people land on your page. This metric will help you to define the efficiency of your digital marketing campaigns. If you do not have many visits on your page, you might need to have a look at your ads’ visuals or budget.
Bounce rate: percentage of visitors exiting your page. If this percentage is high, that means the content on the Landing Page is not aligned with the content in your ads or email. Visitors do not find the information they are looking for, therefor they are leaving your page without converted.
Average time: This is the time spent on your Landing page. Such as Bounce rate, this metric help to improve the LP content. This metric shows you if the content is valuable. If the visitors spend only few second on your page, this mean or the information was difficult to find or the content was not the one expected.
CTR: CTR or Click Through-Rate is a metrics related to conversion. The CTR is the number of people that click on your CTA divided by the number of visitors that saw your CTA. CTR = click / impressions. The higher the better.
Page speed load: A good page speed load is between 2 and 3 seconds. Above that time, you will lose an important part of your traffic and of your conversions.
Conversion rate: This is one of the more important metrics. The conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the number of interactions. With the conversion rate, you can define the efficiency of your Landing Page.It will not only help you to improve your Landing Page but also your conversion process.